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She Looks Like Me!

Storytime and Activities with Stephanie Brown

In-Person Event

Elena is a spunky and curious little girl who realizes that none of the people in the stories they read in class look like her. Elena goes on a journey and discovers something amazing! Bring the whole family for games, balloons, story time, and other fun activities, as Philadelphia-based children’s author, Stephanie Brown, reads her new book, She Looks Like Me!  and other stories by Afro-Latinx writers. 

Performances will be presented at 50% capacity in the Teatro and masks are required throughout the event, regardless of vaccination status. For Esperanza’s current COVID safety policies and restrictions, visit https://www.esperanza.us/esperanza-visitor/.

In Person: $5

February 26, 2022 @ 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Sat , Feb 26
10:30 am